Hello, Kiwis! I'm back for my
second post EVER. Exciting, I know.
Today, I'm going to do a DIY face mask post! I've compiled a list of my favorite face masks for all skin types. Oily, sensitive, combination, dry, and normal. (Please feel free to skip down to your skin type, I know I'd do that.) Let's start out with;
Oily skin, as the name implies, produces too much oil. Whether its because of hormones or harsh drying cleansers, which, believe it or not, are not good for any skin type. Especially oily, since harsh chemicals dry out your skin causing it to produce more oil. Which equals a big mess. Oily skin isn't all bad, wrinkles won't show up as quickly as dry skin or normal skin gals. Anyhoo, when it comes to your skin type, you need to absorb some (but not all) of the oil. Kind of balancing your skin. A strawberry facemask will do the trick.
Strawberries are full of antioxidants, which is good for any skin type, as well as their astringent properties which will get rid of excess oil. Now, onto the recipe!
5 or 6 fresh strawberries
1 tbsp. of oatmeal
2 tbsp. of fuller's earth (A clay type thing, I'm sure most cosmetic clays would work though)
A little rose water
*Optional, I added it* 1 cup yogurt
To prepare, put all of your ingredients in a food processor (I just used a blender, might not be as fine of a paste though) and mix them to the point of a fine paste. Apply your mask onto your face for 20-30 minutes, this would be the time to catch up on your reading or do the laundry, and wash off with lukewarm water.
If not all these ingredients are available to you, just mix;
1/4 cup of strawberries
1/4 cup of yogurt
The preparation is the same, so is the wait time.
Source: younghopes.hubpages.com
Your skin is most likely dry, a little tight. Most drugstore face washes cause an allergic reaction on you, so you either A) Spend countless hours on Pinterest looking for a DIY face wash or B) Spent quite a bit of money on a "sensitive skin" face wash that just doesn't work as well. I've got a weekly, or twice weekly depending on how much time you have, solution fort you. This mask is super simple, the ingredients are probably in your kitchen right now!
1 tsp. baking soda/oatmeal scrub mix*
1 tsp. of raw, preferably local, honey
1/2 tsp. water
Mix all the ingredients well in a little bowl. Slowly, and gently, apply the mixture onto clean skin. Do not rub it in, the mixture should sit on top of your skin. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes, rinse it off with lukewarm water and pat your skin dry.
*basically 1 part baking soda, 2 part finely ground oatmeal
Source: lifewithlovebugs.com
Your skin is a bit tricky, its probably oily in your T-zone (Your forehead, your nose, and your chin.) and normal to dry on your cheeks. You have some options, though. Your recipe is a little different. A ratio, actually.
About 1 part cosmetic clay, finely ground oatmeal, or turmeric (careful with turmeric, it does stain skin, but can be removed with a cleanser)
About 1 part milk, rosewater, honey, or yogurt
*Optional* A few drops of essential oils such as tea tree or sandalwood
Mix ingredients until they form a smooth, creamy consistency. Apply for 20-30 minutes, unless you're using turmeric in which case only apply for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water, pat dry and viola! Beautiful skin.
Source: cutoutandkeep.net
Dry skin doesn't produce enough sebum, leaving your complexion dull and with a tight feeling. To correct this, you must add some moisture back into your skin (The Oil Cleansing method might be perfect for you, I'll do a post on that later).
1/2 very ripe, soft avocado
1/4 cup honey
*Optional* The yolk of one egg, preferably local since they're usually the most nutritious
Mash up your avocado until smooth and creamy. Add the honey and, if using, egg yolk. Mix, mix, mix! Apply onto skin and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water. Enjoy your moisturized skin!
Source: beauty.about.com
Last, but certainly not least
As deceiving as that name is, normal skin isn't actually so normal. As in its not common. You are very, very lucky with this skin. Not too oily, not too dry. Smack dab in the middle. Your skin might still lose its luster so its nice to refresh your skin with a nice face mask.
1 packet of instant oatmeal
Enough water for that pack of instant oatmeal
1 Egg white
1 tsp. olive oil
Pour one packet of oatmeal and the required amount of water for it into a bowl. Microwave it for as long as the packet says. Now take 1/2 cup of that oatmeal, and put it in another bowl. Do whatever you please with that other bit of oatmeal, I prefer it as a snack. Add the egg white and olive oil to the oatmeal and mix. Apply it to your skin and leave it on for 20-25 minutes, rinse off with Luke warm water.
Source: allladiesfashion.blogspot.in
Hope everyone enjoys their brand new, fabulous skin! Go ahead, admire it in the mirror. Show it off at that get together at your coworkers house. If you enjoyed this post, why not share it? Enjoy!