Friday, July 25, 2014

So I've Deided to try Coding...

Hello, everyone! Sorry for not writing for a few days I just kind of got lazy, but I'm back! So today I decided to do a more "tech-y" post. Lately, I've been interested in coding. I've been scouring the web for how-to's and tutorials, and I thought "Why not share this with my readers?" So here I am, sharing it with my readers, haha.

1) Tuts+ (here's the link)

So Tuts+ is a great site with plenty of tutorials on anything from coding,  to photography, to designing! I especially like their easy and fun tutorials for Adobe Illustrator (I know that's not what the post is about, but I just wanted to throw that in). It's very thorough in its instructions, and you can always comment and ask if you don't understand something! The best part is you don't have to sign up, there are plenty of free, easy tutorials!

2) Dash (find it here)

I really, really like Dash. It teaches HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. It's super easy to understand, plus you don't need any sort of programs like Dreamweaver to get started! You learn right there on the website. My downside to this is that you have to sign up, it's not that much of an inconvenience I just personally don't like signing up. Anyway, here's a screenshot of the tutorial:

3) HTML-5-tutorial (here it is)

Okay, so this one is a little bit wordy, but it really teaches the material. If you don't like reading too much, this won't be for you. I like it though, and I do recommend it (why else would I even mention it?) It has a glossary, in case you don't understand what they're talking about. Overall, nice website.

5) Microsoft Virtual Academy (the site)

This is a video series on HTML5 and CSS3 for beginners. What I like about this is that all the topics are broken up into its own video so if you already have some experience you could just skip down to what you want to learn next. The videos are sort of long (about thirty minutes on average), but you gotta remember that this is much easier to comprehend then if you sat down and started to read a book on it. This series has a total of 21 episodes,  all staring (I guess the word would be staring) Bob Tabor. You can sign up, it's not necessary, but it does help in tracking your progress and such. They also have this file you can download, which can help you self assess yourself and give you some extra practice. It includes material from all of the lessons, with material for before you start the lesson and after. It's not essential, but it's like a supplement to the core lesson.

Alright, that is it for now. If I find any other tutorial website on coding, I will be sure to add them on. If anyone else knows any other good HTML tutorials, please feel free to tell me about them and I'll be sure to test them out. Thanks for reading!

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